Saturday, March 21, 2015

Holy Moly...where have the months gone?

Hello Family and Friends!

The last several months are like a blur literally and figuratively, so to speak.  I had surgery on November 10th as mentioned in my last posting and all has gone well with that recovery.  

Who knew three little incisions
could cause so much pain and need
so much recovery time!!

...but I did get to ride around
stores in one of these!

So, after several weeks of bed rest and crutches, physical therapy and countless doctors appointments (not to mention several books and countless hours of TV) I was finally released to come back to South Korea!  It was explained to me like this: "you are a few months into a 6 month recovery process", so I'm working hard at my strengthening exercises I learned in physical therapy and caring for my hip joint the best I can, all while getting back into the swing of things here in Seoul!

I love the visual of where I am in the world when I'm traveling...

Well, I landed in Seoul on January 31st and by February 10th, we were on our next adventure to Guam!  We found Guam to be a very fun and relaxed place to visit, especially since it is a U.S. territory!  Most people spoke english and we were able to drive around the whole island, sight-seeing and exploring the island.  We had fun seeing all the 'famous' spots, snorkeling, visiting the night market that is only available on Wednesdays and even ran into a friend from Seoul!

Landing on the island was so beautiful!

The beaches were beautiful and each unique in it's own way

The view from Nimitz Hill, where our hotel was located.

Surprise!  Julie was in Guam too!

The sunsets need no description

It was nice to have a friend there to help us capture memories together!

We even met new friends!  Oink, oink!

This was a random parking lot that we passed almost everyday on the island.  We still have no idea what was happening there!

Since back from our trip, I've managed to catch up and meet some new friends, while T.G. is working like crazy.

Girl's night out for the E.R. crew!  Lucky for me, they invite the wives too!

We've managed to plan our few final trips before excitedly coming back home (to Texas) this summer!  

Our tentative plans include a anniversary trip to Bali, a combined trip to include: Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia and a jaunt to the Maldives!  Once back in the States we'll enjoy our annual summer trip to the Shore with the Nessler family and then get settled in at home.  

We are so excited and realize how fortunate we are to have all of the amazing experiences.  Even so, we are both looking forward to being back in Texas for good by the middle of July!

Next up...Bali and more of Southeast Asia!!!

P.S. We would love to hear your feedback...feel free to comment below!