Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Amazing Welcome Home and Farewell!

We got back from Curaçao on Saturday, after two frustrating days of travel to get here.  As many if you know, we've been squatting at my parents, as all of our belongings are packed for our upcoming move to Seoul.  When we arrived 'home', we were welcomed home to a surprise farewell party!  It was so fun and festive, complete with hand-made hanbok's for some of the ladies to wear, colorful lanterns decorating the pool and dining areas, delicious foods brought in from many different homes of friends and family and many other surprises throughout the evening!

My Mom, sister and Claire worked together over the last month or so to have these traditional Korean dresses made for each of us.  They are amazing and really made the party fun and set the tone for the whole evening.

Hanbok (South Korea) or Chosŏn-ot (North Korea) is the traditional Korean dress. It is often characterized by vibrant colors and simple lines without pockets. Although the term literally means "Korean clothing", hanbok today often refers specifically to hanbok of Chosŏn Dynastyand is worn as semi-formal or formal wear during traditional festivals and celebrations. 
(THANKS Wikipedia)!

The pool area and dining areas were decorated very festively and were especially beautiful once the sun went down!

Uncle Kenny surprised us with a quick visit too!!  I loved it!

Yummy foods that family and friends brought to the one went hungry, that's for sure!!

Our dear friends, Louis and Janice Lidey, surprised us with a farewell gift that will always remind us of where we started...such an amazing, kind and thoughtful gift that will look perfect on our wall in Korea!

Great friends and family!

  My Mom ordered colored lanterns for us all to light and fly as the sun set as an unofficial or symbolic send-off for T.G. and me!  It was so much fun!  It was so pretty to see them floating off toward the sunset and hear everyone oohing and aahing as their lantern disappeared in the distance!


As you can see from the pictures above, it was an amazing party thrown by my parents, sister and dear friend, Claire.  We are so fortunate to have all the love and support of our friends and family through this learning process that is foreign so both of us!  

Next steps...pack, pack, pack; visit; prepare and get ready for Seoul!  (We'll probably add some more fun times in there too!)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Getting started...

Hi everyone!  We just wanted to put an outlet in place for our family and friends who are interested in keeping up with us during our crazy adventures abroad and after!    Our entries are geared toward sharing and keeping in touch.  We're looking forward to sharing the good, bad and wonderful with anyone interested in reading!  Of course, feedback is welcome, just be kind...I'm new here!  :)