Monday, July 15, 2013

Getting started...

Hi everyone!  We just wanted to put an outlet in place for our family and friends who are interested in keeping up with us during our crazy adventures abroad and after!    Our entries are geared toward sharing and keeping in touch.  We're looking forward to sharing the good, bad and wonderful with anyone interested in reading!  Of course, feedback is welcome, just be kind...I'm new here!  :)

To get started, we just returned from our wonderful honeymoon in Curaçao, which was a wonderful, relaxing trip with a few frustrating bumps in the road, but we persevered and managed to have a great time together and even managed to meet some great new friends from Michigan, Beth and Andy!  

T.G., me, Beth and Andy at Zoya in Willemstad, Curacao.  It was a wonderful dinner with great new friends, delicious food and a beautiful outdoor patio by the water!

Our beach at our all-inclusive report!  Awesome!

Our wedding rings at sunset!

T.G. and me standing on the floating bridge in Willemstad, Curacao.  Look at that water! 

A picturesque view of 'the most colorful city in the world'--Willemstad, Curacao.

We had a wonderful time and learned a lot about traveling to small islands, traveling together and other fun bits of information that will hopefully help us in our travels to Seoul, South Korea coming in just two weeks!!  

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