Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas and New Year's 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen, 
This will serve as our first blog entry for the year.  We last left you just prior to the holiday season.  I had come off a stretch of five nights, and was ready to celebrate Christmas at home for the first time in a while. Christmas Eve left a bit to be desired, mostly my fault.  I had never seen "It's a Wonderful Life" and Autumn wanted to watch it.  Having just come off that string off nights and stayed up most of the day, I could survive.  I made it about half way and had to tap out.  I owe her a full viewing at some point, especially since she sat through "Bad Santa" for me.

     Our Christmas was wonderfully uneventful, which is exactly how we would prefer.  Instead of "Elf on the Shelf", I put my new woodworking skills to good use and carved out a Texas Longhorn; therefore, we can play "Horns in the House"  Autumn found my first attempt pretty quickly. 
To support my (hopefully) newfound hobby, Autumn bought an "Intro to Woodworking" book for me.  I have already started making a 36"x36"coffee table which can break into four 18"x18" seats.  If Uncle Kenny tries it out next week and survives, I think everybody else should be good.  We'll let you know how it goes.  

As a couple, we received lots of warm clothes, which will obviously get worn out this season and next winter.  In the afternoon, we headed to a party hosted by our friends, Jake and Nicolle.  I am in love with their dog (Mercury) and I think he feels the same.  Similar to our Thanksgiving party, they hosted people from the Vet Clinic and made for a nice afternoon.  We met some really great couple and had a great time.  Once a few folks had left, we moved onto board games.  I never pictured Autumn and me as 'board game' people, but Jake and Nicolle introduced us to numerous board game and we have a wonderful time playing with them. Some of our favorites are "Cards Against Humanity" (Apples to Apples for horrible people), Farkel, and Zombicide.  We received a few new games to add to the mix, so that should be fun as well.  Once we left the Marcek party, we headed home and watched tv.
     Our New Year's was of similar excitement - we were at Jake and Nicolle's playing board games.  We thought there was going to be fireworks over the Han River.  Their apartment overlooks the Han River, so we thought we were set up for success.  As it turns out, no fireworks.  Instead, we watched Autumn's phone for the countdown to midnight.  Once it struck zero, we clinked a champagne glass and went back to playing games.  It was just what we wanted.


T. G. Nessler III
Go Army!  Beat Navy!

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