Monday, November 25, 2013


My fellow military wives and service members frequently find ourselves out and about in Seoul or other parts of South Korea and often hear ourselves commenting on day-to-day occurrences as 'only in Korea'.  I cannot claim to have come up with the idea of documenting these occasions, only that I wanted to start my own list while we continue our adventure.  These synopsis are not meant to be hurtful or have any sort of negative connotation.  They are meant simply as ordinary, day-to-day cultural differences observed while in this beautiful country.  Some will be funny, some will be dumb, but none are meant to be hurtful.  I have been fortunate enough to meet some amazing native Korean friends in our short time here and have no intention of offending them by stating these funny, little, living-life experiences.  

My hope is that I will come back to this posting and update it throughout the remainder of my time here in South Korea and one day be able to look back and smile at the silly things I remember.  So, with that, check back frequently for new experiences!  

O N L Y   I N   K O R E A:

  • Walking down the sidewalk, at any time of day or day of the week, you will find yourself in fear of being run-over or at least side-swiped by a person on a motorcycle or moped.  We have come to the conclusion that these individuals must have passed their driving test to have a license, but then threw all the rules out the window as soon as they walked out of the DMV building.


  • As many of you may know I am a bit of a shopoholic.  T.G. may say this is an understatement, but at least I'm good at finding bargains!  Now, I know we have great shopping in the U.S.A., but I have to say that it doesn't hold an candle to the shopping available day and night here in Seoul.  First of all, when you enter most of the subway stations you will find anything from coffee shops or full restaurants to beauty stores or clothing stores readily available from around 0900 to 2200.  It's amazing and that's only in the subway stations!  There are so many unique areas in Seoul to shop, depending on what you are looking to buy or just browse.  So far, I have really enjoyed spending hours walking around Namdaemun Market and other street-type shopping that is available.  You can find anything your heart desires and the prices are AMAZING!  I went out with three girlfriends to Namdaemun the other day and nearly got all of my Christmas shopping completed in just one day!  Also, there are several areas that only do night shopping, which starts at 2400 and ends around 0400-0500.  Apparently, that is where the really good deals are, but I have not been quite yet.  Soon I hope!  Here are a few pictures of my shopping adventures thus far!
Namdaemun loves Christmas like me!!

Hello Kitty Cafe:  Hello Kitty 24/7!

Meyongdong street food outside all 
the amazing stores!

A cute pair of kitten heels I picked up 
in Dondaemun.

There's even decent shopping on-post.  
Those blankets behind me are the warmest
 blankets in the world!

The market just outside our apartment…one stop shopping
 for most daily-life things!

Check out this link for more detailed information!

  • There has been one rather unfortunate occurrence that we have come across that is less than appealing.  Often times when we find ourselves on a packed (or unpacked) subway car there is a foul odor that is somewhat inescapable.  After several rides and observation, we've come to the conclusion that some of the people (mainly older gentlemen) are secreting years and years of kemchi, garlic and soju from their pores.  It is such a distinct smell that once you smell it, you will always remember it.  It is also noticeable when in small spaces , like an elevator.  Now, I have to say this odor is much more tolerable than the frequent, but random smells of raw sewage smelled when walking around any area of Seoul, but still not the most desirable either.


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