Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving with Happy Surprises!

Happy Thanksgiving from Seoul!  We had a very successful Thanksgiving party for our friends and T.G.'s co-workers.  There is a restaurant on-post that makes turkey and ham to-go, so T.G. and I provided those and our guests provided the remainder of the sides.  

Many of you may or may not know, but my job during the holidays at home is to set the table, complete with center pieces and place settings, so preparing for this gathering was right up my alley.  We fell into some dumb-luck and happened to rescue this abandoned dining room table from the trash outside our apartment!  We (I) was starting to stress about table space for food and eating, but during the snow flurries the day before Thanksgiving, we found this table and it ended all of my fears.  We got into the apartment and I scrubbed it with a toothbrush for a couple hours and it was just perfect for holiday decor and deserts!  

I spotted it while looking at the snow from our window.  The area to the right of the pavilion with the cream color stacks of furniture is where we found the table.

Around 2pm our friends starting arriving and seemed to have had a nice time getting to know one another, especially those from T.G.'s work.  We all know how nice it is to get to know your co-workers away from work stresses!  Our Korean friends even brought some dishes to share.  Julie was very excited about the turkey.  Having spent time in the states, she knows the joys of American holiday foods!  

Our holiday cocktail: Sparkling Cider Pumpkin Beertail!

Our yummy spread of food!
And dessert, of course!
Flowers made with Julie

A few of my favorites from home... 
More beautiful flowers, thanks to Julie!

All-in-all, I have to say it all went really well!  While we greatly missed being with our families, it was nice to be surrounded with friends and knowing that we may have provided them a place to celebrate while missing their families too.  

NOW:  ON TO CHRISTMAS!  Happy Holidays everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. We missed you both greatly but were glad to know you were with friends. It looks like a good time was had by all and what a wonderful party for you and TG to plan for your friends.
