Friday, August 23, 2013

Amazing Changes Ahead!

Great things have happened in the past few days!  

We bought a car from one of the out-going physicians...seems to bee the way things work around here.

Not only did we buy our "new" car, but we also found out that we get to move out of our 403 sq. ft. crackerjack box and move into Ichon-dong, where we originally wanted to live!!  Hooray for us!  We went out with three different realtors so far and we think we've found several places that would be great!  We're just waiting on pricing and other details that will decide if/when we can move in!  This is the winner so far...

This is our potential view from our favorite apartment so far. Past the street is Yongsan Army Base.  The arrow on the left points to the hospital where T.G. works and the arrow to the right points to North Seoul Tower, a large landmark in this large city (not on the Army Base).

Also, in the past few days we've been to the Namdemun Market, which is a traditional Korean market that has stall after stall stuffed to the brim with everything you can think of!  It was really fun to walk through and just see all of the interesting things that were for sale.  Anything from food and knock-off bags to general household items and high-end jewelry.

Just a few pictures from around the market...

T.G. started working in the ER (second shift today) and really loves it so far.  The people he works with seem really nice and easy to work with.  We are looking forward to getting to know them better over the year we are here. 

We've also spotted some fellow Longhorns!!

I've got a full weekend of plans for T.G.'s Birthday weekend!  Starting tomorrow with Korean cooking classes!  Should be a lot of fun!

More to come soon...

1 comment:

  1. Love the car! Whatever it takes to get around is what I say! Hope you had a wonderful birthday with your beautiful wife! I am sure she had many wonderful plans for the two of you.
    Cannot wait to see your new place. Bob and I are so looking forward to coming in November and spending a little time with the two of you and getting to know a little about Korea.
    Love you both!
