Monday, August 5, 2013

The Fun Times in the Meanwhile...

Since my last post, we've been doing a lot of prep work for our journey to Korea, like on Monday 7/16, packing and supervising the movers putting all of our things in crates to go on the ship to Korea...

This process is very strange, but we're glad it is done...I was at the house with the packers/movers from 0800-1900. Meanwhile T.G. was out at Ft. Hood getting all his clearing paperwork started (I can't say completed, because that took many, many days).  

We're moved out of the Oaklawn house and ready to pack our daily belongings and head out!

Other than the work of getting ready to go, we've been having fun with friends and family.  Thursday, 7/18, we got to go see Jason Boland and The Stragglers at Schoepf's BBQ, one of our favorite summer past times here in central Texas. We also went on 7/25 to see Brandon Rhyder, one of my personal favorites!  It was great music, decent weather, and time with awesome friends!

Staying with my parents really provided us with a lot of quality time with them before leaving as well...  
Bob and T.G. continued to see who is the ultimate Jenga champion, which is always worth a good laugh!!  Bob has won the last two, you can imagine T.G. is not very happy!

T.G. took me to get my tattoo touched-up before our adventures too!!

                          I love the upgrade!!!

T.G. left on 7/26 to start his journey to Korea, which included a 36 hour layover in Seattle.  He got to spend that time with his friend from med school, Elizabeth.  They hiked, kayaked and visited other friends from med school!  Sounded like the perfect send-off before he left for Korea!

Then on 7/30, my Mom went with me to Dallas to spend my last night in Texas at my sister's house.  The three of us went to "Painting with a Twist" (minus the twist) and had a great time!  It was a really fun evening for the three of us before I started on my way to Korea.

You know I had to paint some Texas Bluebonnets before I left! Even if mine don't really look like them...

On Wednesday through Friday I spent time in Los Angeles with my BFF Rose.  It was a blast to do what we do best...nothing!  Literally we laid by the pool, took naps and lounged around and caught up on the latest in our lives...perfection if you ask me.  Oh, we may have made one special addition to commemorate the trip...

BFF tattoos...AWESOME!

Rose got a matching on on her left wrist...I was no allowed to take any photographs...

When we look at the anchor in nature, it really only serves one purpose. The anchor is used to hold the ship steady in the waters. When the anchor is dropped, the water can't budge the ship. We can actually grab some of the anchor's symbolic meaning from these facts. Besides affiliation, this may be the most common meaning of the anchor tattoo. "Stability" is the symbolic meaning of the anchor tattoo.  ( Thanks

On Saturday, 8/2, I left LAX for Seoul and made it to Seoul (on time) on Sunday...simple flights with nothing too exciting to report, other than it was the LARGEST plane I had ever been on.   I wish I had been able to get a picture.

Now I'm here in Seoul at Yongsan Army Base getting settled in with T.G.!

More updates to come later...


  1. Thanks for all the updates Duckie! This is such a great way for all of us to know what is going on and a great way for you to record your adventures! This is fun! Anyone else agree with me?

  2. By the way, love the tattoo and the story behind it. Stability is vital for all of us and as our family knows, we love the anchor!
