Thursday, August 15, 2013

And the Adventure Continues...

We've started working on our subway skills here in Korea...So far we have been successful, with small hiccups here and there, but have made it to our destinations on time.  Luckily, the subway is pretty easy to navigate and there are apps in english that make it even easier to figure out!

 Looks easy, right?

My first venture off-post was to Ichon-dong, which is where we would like to live...just a few photos of our walking adventures...

The high-rises mentioned in previous posts...

Hangang Park and the Han River

My 'Korean' cell phone takes panoramic photos!  There's T.G. on the Han River Bridge with Ichon-dong behind him!

We've had fun times exploring different neighborhoods here in Korea.  We had dinner in Itaewan, which is a very popular area for the bar seeking Soldiers and has a feel like New York City.  Very bustling, cars honking and the streets packed with street vendors and tons of people.  There's just about anything you would need or want in one very small area!

The Maple Tree House was delicious Korean food!

The sidewalks have metal tiles for countries around the world...super cool to see and compare them!   

We found a bar and grill called "Prost" just down the street from The Maple Tree House, so we enjoyed some German beer too!

We've been to several movies here on post, to include: "The Heat", "2 Guns" and "Despicable Me 2".  We've gone to the enormous driving range as well, it will be fun for us both to get back to working on our golf swings.  We also attended a yoga class at one of the gyms on post, which was a really great class! 

T.G. starts working in the Emergency Room next week, which he is excited and ready to start seeing patients again.  After meeting many of the people he will get to work with there, I have no doubt it will be a perfect ER start his practice outside of residency!

I had my hair done here in Korea for the first time and aside from a small curling iron incident, all went pretty well.  I am still a platinum blonde!  Hooray! Still, my hair will ever look as good as when, Heather Tarnow does it!  She was kind enough to support me through this first hair venture!

If you see someone coming at you with a set of these...just walk the other way.  Take it from me...

We're looking forward to hearing more from the housing office soon and purchasing our "hoopty" car from one of the physicians leaving Yongsan.  It's a 1996 Hyundai Sonata...oh be jealous!  We'll just be happy to be able to go to the grocery store and not walk 30 minutes each way to get there and then tote the groceries back...'FIRST WORLD PAIN'!

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful adventures for the two of you! Glad to see you are getting out and about. I have seen your hair via FaceTime and it looks fabulous! Cannot wait to see pictures of your new apartment.
