Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hangaram! We love you...

On August 28th, we got to move into our new apartment (Hangaram is the building name) located in Ichon-dong and we LOVE it!!  We signed all the paperwork and made all the arrangements to have the Army deliver some furniture today. The apartment is partially furnished, so there were just a few things we had to borrow from the Army. We also got our first shipment of household items (not the shipment pictured in previous posts). This shipment were the items we needed immediately to live in a space and it's working out great! We hope to have our large shipment by mid-September.  

Our living room...remember, we're waiting on the rest of our stuff still...
Our bedroom without our bed...this one will go in the guest room once we get the rest of our stuff

We've come a long way from our 'hallway' kitchen!

The last 24 hours have held a bit of a learning curve for T.G. and me, mostly for me since T.G. has lived outside of the U.S.A before.  
We've learned that there is a furnace on our 'front porch' that gets REALLY hot when the AC unit in the living room is turned on.  So much so that my poor plant, that I have been nurturing for the past two weeks or so fried and so I had to cut it back quite a bit and move it to another room.  Hopefully it will make it.  
We've also learned that finding plugs for all of our various electronics is going to be a bit of a challenge and even when you think you have it all plugged in correctly with converter and may still blow up, like my hair dryer this morning...oops!  We still don't understand exactly why it blew up, but I have replaced my dryer with on bought on the Korean economy, so we should be good in that department.  Let's just hope we don't blow up any other important things!!

T.G.'s doing a great job of learning to drive here in Seoul.  (I'm still waiting on paperwork to take my test.)  It's quite a challenge both because of different road signs and because finding your way around is incredibly complicated.  We made our way to E-mart (a large super store, like Wal-Mart, but much nicer) today it probably took us an extra 30 minutes to figure out how to park and get in the store than necessary, but hey, we made it!

I also went shopping at our local market after T.G. went into work this evening and was quite successful!  I found a new blow dryer and a few other general household odds and inns,  bought some fresh produce and found a place that makes the most delicious fried chicken!  The produce I found were brown eggs and the largest, sweetest peaches you have ever seen or tasted!  Shopping can be quite intimidating here, since I am handicapped by my inability to speak the language, which I am quickly attempting to fix.  Given that, I am proud that I was able to find these items and purchase them without much in the way of incident.  I also learned that there is a small supermarket just down the street, mixed in with the outdoor market to buy 'regular' groceries.
Sorry, it's a bit blurry, but you get the idea...

Just some views of the market just outside our door!
Maybe places to get a drink in the evening...not sure yet.

As we get settled into our new place I'm sure we will come across many new life lessons and funny stories...can't wait to share them!

P.S. Feel free to leave comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Your apartment looks amazing! I am so proud of you for taking on this challenge and facing it head on. Learning to communicate with another culture is very intimidating but it sounds like you are doing a great job.
    I am so happy to hear that TG is enjoying his job and even though he is on nights right now, you are adjusting to that as well.
    Cannot wait to personally see the beautiful sights you have posted. We have our tickets and we are so ready to come see your beautiful city. Have fun and enjoy every adventure!
