Monday, September 9, 2013

Busy...sort of...

Hello All--
    Sorry for the gap in entries.  We have been working hard on getting our apartment set up since all of our household items arrived on Friday!  It's finally feeling like home!
Is this how T.G. snuck me in the country!?!?!  We were having some fun while organizing his new army gear!

    The delivery process for getting our household items was very interesting!  The men from the moving company arrived and immediately got to work.  First they opened the screen on the balcony facing the parking lot.  Then, they used a huge mechanical lift to swiftly unload and hoist up all of our items (work-out equipment and all!)!  It was quite a sight to see.  The men put each item/box in it's respective room and before we knew it, we had all of our things!  Amazing!

We're on the 11th floor!  CRAZY!

   As we've been unpacking, we've realized that we may have brought more things than necessary, but there was no way to know that when preparing to come.  We even have a box that we're collecting things that we want to ship back to the U.S.A., rather than store here until we get back.  We've also got a box going to 'The Second Hand Rose' on post.  Who knew we had a hundred spatulas!

   Other exciting news:  We've worked together with my Mom to set up a 'Slingbox' in her upstairs bedroom, which allows us to use her cable whenever we want!  Which means...COLLEGE FOOTBALL all season!!  Hooray!  Not to mention the normalcy of sitting down to watch our favorite shows, even if the time is off by 13ish hours!

Free (almost came with us!)
   T.G. and I went for a walk yesterday evening on a mission for a few odds and ends for the apartment, mostly to find that a lot of Korean shops are closed on Sunday...should have guessed that.  We did, however, find a pet supply store that had two free cats and one cat for sale.  Of course, you know we went in to meet the kitties and even thought we might bring one home.  We were sensible and decided to sleep on it and make sure it was a good idea.  After much pro vs. con debate, we've decided that it isn't the most responsible thing to do right now. (Sarah, you would be so proud of us!)  For one, our land-lady doesn't want cats in the apartment.  Secondly, we want to be able to travel, usually for only a few days, but would hate to make a poor kitty sit here alone because we are out seeing this part of the world.  Plus, we have five amazing fur-babies waiting at home for us when we get back!  It's really strange to not have a pet.  We've both had pets for so long that it feels very empty and foreign to not have a furry friend waiting for you when you get home, to love on and snuggle.  I need to find a filler...unfortunately, the pet care center on-post does not need any volunteer help right now, so I'll keep looking.
50,000 Won

  I start 'Flower School' on Tuesday, which I am very exited about!  I'm not really sure what to expect, but I'll keep y'all posted.

  Pictures to come soon, once we get the apartment looking nice and not full of boxes.  Oh, and, T.G. starts a long string of nights starting tomorrow night (after being in meetings all day), so let me know if you want to FaceTime or Skype!

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