Tuesday, September 24, 2013

T. G. again

Ladies and Gentlemen,
     Thanks again for following along!  After a few wonderful entries from Autumn, I'm back with a few thoughts of my own.  We just got back from the Dongdaemun Market Tour.  After a few less-than-amazing tours, we were pleasantly surprised with how this one turned out.  Autumn was a bit more satisfied with the outcome, as she came away with a sweet new scarf and bitchin' pair of shoes.  We eyed a genuine lamb skin jacket that was very fashion forward.  We then eyed the price tag and decided fashion was overrated.
     Contrary to recommendations of our families, we have added another member to the ever-growing Nessler horde.  We would appreciate you all if you would be so kind in welcoming Carmichael, our guinea pig.  As Autumn astutely pointed out, we cannot tell the sex as this early age, so it may actually be Carmichelle.  He is still a little scared and shy, but we are trying gradually win his trust and loyalty with apples and alfalfa grass.

      Work has been going well.  I had my first heart attack (literally and figuratively) a couple weeks ago.  While the patient showed a STEMI on the EKG, I was having my own mini-episode doing everything I could to get him to the cath lab.  When the EKG printed, I took a look at it and immediately dropped it run to the phone.  I think I was dialing numbers before it hit the ground.  He was out the door in 30 minutes and Samsung Medical Center had him in the cath lab very quickly.  I saw him in the hospital a couple days later and he was doing quite well.  On a lighter note, I had some other excitement on one of my night shifts.  A Korean cab driver came running in nervous and frantic.  Thankfully, our Korean nurse was on at that time and said we should run to the cab.  As we got there, a lady was in the back seat, holding her newborn.  The nurse climbed in and began wrapping the baby in a blanket.  The medics went to grab our OB kit.  The OB kit was rendered irrelevant because, as I went to follow the umbilical cord back to deliver the placenta, I followed it all the way to the passenger seat, where the placenta was conveniently laying.  We got the baby upstairs immediately.  Mom followed along shortly after, once we got a wheelchair ready.  Unfortunately, the cab driver was out of commission for the rest of the night and wondered how we were going to compensate him.  Sorry, boss, not my lane, but I'll be happy to write a statement about what happened.
     I have now met my new co-workers, one from San Antonio (Mark) and one from Tacoma (Sean).  They both seem great and I look forward to both working and hanging out with them.  As the adventures continue, so will the blogs.  We encourage everyone to consider coming to visit.  We'd love to have you over.



  1. Welcome to the family Carmichael (Carmichelle)! Looking forward to meeting you in person!

  2. This is Bob.........i will meet carmichael pig-to man ! i am not an animal! (imagine a slight lisp, ala john hurt as the elephant man). i am looking forward to rice--lots of rice. right now i am npo doing a colonoscopy prep--take that carmichael! i am sooo hungry, i am imagining pulled guinea pig!
