Sunday, September 1, 2013


Hi Family and Friends!  We're continuing to get settled into our awesome apartment.  Things are coming together pretty well.  It feels like we are starting to get in a 'normal' routine of life again, which has been missing for quite some time now.  T.G. had Saturday night off work, so we met up with one of his fellow physicians for drinks at The Dragon Hill Hotel on post and then went out, just the two of us, in Ichon-dong.  We decided to try out an LP Bar called "Carpenters".  As you walk down the stairs to the door of the bar, the walls are lined with pictures of bands we all love, like Queen and Simon and Garfunkel.  Once inside, the wall immediately in front of you is lined and stuffed with tons of records.  We picked the first two seats at the bar that were together and of course The King of Pop's poster was right beside T.G. He likes to think that MJ found him in Seoul!

After the bar, we went and picked up a pizza at Mr. Pizza (potato pizza is delicious, not sure why we don't have it back at home yet!)  and picked up a few more beers to have at home.  It was a very fun night out in our new neighborhood!

Earlier in the day we went shopping for things for the apartment and were very successful and even bought me a new bike helmet so that when our bikes do finally arrive, we'll be ready to go!  Here were the options:

I don't even have a picture of the one we bought, but it looks similar to the purple and blue one, only silver and grey.  I personally loved the way the kitty one fit, but T.G. was not so keen on the idea of me riding around with a cat on my head (even though he was the one who wanted me to take a picture with it on my head!).  

Oh yea!  Here's the latest panoramic picture off our back porch!  We love our view!

The weather here is starting be feel just perfect.  We've had the windows and doors open for days now and it just feels wonderful.  Right now (10pm) I think it's around 70 degrees with a low tonight of 63 degrees.  Perfect sleeping weather, just wish my hubby was not working nights this month and could snuggle in with me.  We are really looking forward to what the next few months with bring with different weather and activities available indoor and outdoor.  

The only thing missing at this point is the sound of college football in our house on Sunday mornings (remember we are ahead of y'all)...I've tried everything I can think of to stream some games, but with no luck as of yet.  Let me know if you have any insider tips or tricks...y'all know how I feel about college football!!!

Also, we're excited to say that my parents have booked their tickets to come to visit in November!  Hooray!  Let us know if you are planning on a visit!  We would love to have you and how have plenty of space to host you!

Leave me comments below!!

1 comment:

  1. You two are really living the life over there! I am so excited to hear about your adventures and look forward to the adventures we will have in November! Hope you get to watch the game this Sunday, keeping my fingers crossed!
