Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nami Island and Morning Calm

This weekend, T.G. and I went on our first trip with 'Koridoor USO Tours'.  Sunday we were taken to an island about an hour and a half northeast of Seoul called "Nami Island".  The island is a result of a dam being placed in the Hangang River.  

Unbeknown to us, there was a famous Korean show or movie filmed on this island and that is what has made if a tourist attraction.  Since we had no idea of the movie, I think a lot of the island charm was lost on us, but we still had a nice day outdoors, taking pictures and enjoying a nice day together.  The pictures from this place are worth a thousand words!  Enjoy!

As it turns out, there is an ostrich farm on this island...

These guys reminded us of Bert & Ernie

 Not the most attractive of birds, but these people love them!

The island was quite pretty...tons of lily pads and flowers!  

We had a lot of fun playing with our DSLR and editing the photos!

With all of the wildlife, we made new friends...

I had never seen a 'calico' bunny before! We named him Carmichael!

General Nami's Tomb is on this island as well.  He was a young General, who died in battle at the age of 26.

After Nami Island, we went to Morning Calm Garden, where we walked around for a little over an hour seeing seasonal blooms.  

Unfortunately, not many flowers are in bloom because we are in between seasons (summer and fall) right now.  We still had fun hiking around and taking loads of pictures!

Overall, we really enjoyed the trip, but hope our future trips have a bit more guidance from the tour guide.  We shall see!  

Here's the latest from my Flower School days...

My instructor, Julie, continues to be great and is teaching me so much more than the art of flower design!  She is helping me learn the Korean culture, food and introducing me to people in our neighborhood! Absolutely amazing!

T.G. and I are going on anther 'Koridoor' tour tonight...Dinner and a Show!  More info to come later!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I love the bunnies, they almost looked staged! It looks like, despite the lack of a tour guide, you two did very well and had a good time. Anxious to see more pictures.
